Thorsten Zöller

Hey there!

I'm Thorsten Zöller, and this is my website.

It does not shout for attention. Rather, I imagine it like a little book in a gigantic library – it is just standing there, happy to be discovered, but just as content to remain hidden between all the tomes surrounding it.


A little bit of background about me and this site.


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Started reading Lev Shestov: Philosopher of the Sleepless Night by Matthew Beaumont and am very curious about it.

I hadn’t known Lev Shestov before reading The Myth of Sisyphos by Albert Camus, in which he is mentioned several times and which got me interested in him in the first place. What caught my attention most is Shestov’s deep belief that reality cannot be pressed into a (philosophical or any other kind of) system and that humans are fundamentally irrational beings.

Let’s see what the book has in store about this largely unknown thinker…

Read on Mastodon.

Our perception is fully compatible with the assumption that everything, including all our memories, was created an instant (or any other time) ago.

Read on Mastodon.

I have several files (mostly related to the logging of tasks, events etc.) where (some) lines start with a date. Since the current date is usually not at the very beginning or very end of the file, a convenient shortcut in Vim or Neovim (or other Vim-like editors) to jump to the current date is:

nnoremap  /^=strftime('%Y-%m-%d'):noh

This assumes that the date is given in the strftime format %Y-%m-%d (the only true date format), and it maps the command to the key combination <Ctrl>+G (of course it can be mapped to any other key or key combination).

Read on Mastodon.

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What I'm doing now.



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