I'm Thorsten Zöller, and this is my website.
It does not shout for attention. Rather, I imagine it like a little book in a gigantic library – it is just standing there, happy to be discovered, but just as content to remain hidden between all the tomes surrounding it.
A little bit of background about me and this site.
Interesting: 33 Ways To Improve Your Life, Japanese Style (via Recomendo - issue #449)
Read on Mastodon.
Started reading A System for Writing by Bob Doto (got it after heaving read the great review by Richard Griffiths). Haven’t read much of it so far, but it already looks very primising!
Read on Mastodon.
I rarely spend time just sitting there and looking out of the window into the garden, for instance, but it is always worth it. Taking time for becoming calm, doing “nothing”, not being “productive”, enjoying stillness is so important and necessary.
Read on Mastodon.
OpenBSD – A collection of information on the OpenBSD operating system.
vi – A collection of information on the vi editor.
Mathematics & Physics – A collection of information on mathematics and physics.
My uses page.
What I'm doing now.
I love hearing from people!