I'm Thorsten Zöller, and this is my website.
It does not shout for attention. Rather, I imagine it like a little book in a gigantic library – it is just standing there, happy to be discovered, but just as content to remain hidden between all the tomes surrounding it.
A little bit of background about me and this site.
Installed aerc today and quite like it at first (and second) glance.
Read on Mastodon.
Note to self: Instead of impulsively checking the phone in idle moments and mindlessly browsing the web (which includes mindlessly browsing Mastodon), do a few rounds of mindful breathing instead.
Read on Mastodon.
Best statement about patriotism I have ever heard:
(German original: “Ach was, ich liebe keine Staaten, ich liebe meine Frau; fertig!”)
Read on Mastodon.
OpenBSD – A collection of information on the OpenBSD operating system.
vi – A collection of information on the vi editor.
Mathematics & Physics – A collection of information on mathematics and physics.
My uses page.
What I'm doing now.
I love hearing from people!